

Friday, December 20, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Making a vow for tonight.

Sometimes "To do" lists help me.
Sometimes a reward is needed beyond the pleasure of crossing off a task.
And sometimes...

It's important to make vows to yourself. Being good to yourself isn't a task. It's an honor.

Tonight I vow to practice yoga for 15 minutes, followed by a lonnng meditation.
I vow to have a healthy salad and to eat it slowly and chew thoroughly.
I vow to get some cardio excercise later in the evening.

What about you?  What vows are you making for the short term?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sparkling Karat Juice

Juice the following:

3-4 Large Carrots
4-5 Celery Stalks
1/4 Lemon (with peel)
1 Large Beet
3 Large Broccoli Stalks
1 to 2 Inches of Ginger

Yields 1-2 servings.

It's best to drink juices as soon as possible.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Stress is not the enemy. Make stress your friend.

I found this TED talk recently.  I think it's definitely worth sharing and viewing. Rethink the way you respond to stress. Trust your body to equip you for challenges.

Stress is your friend.


Thank you for stopping by the page.  My intent is to share my creations, researched information that lends hand to a healthier lifestyle, and anything else.  This blog is for me, this blog is for you. ♡